The Top 3 Trends In Today’s Modern Workplace

By Admin  |  

1.7 min read

Top 3 Trends In Today's Modern Workplace

Today’s workplace is evolving. Gone are the days where employees are chained to their desks for the 9-5 workday. Stay ahead of the curve by considering these 3 trends!

1.  Flexibility

Technology has given employees options as to where and when they work. Smart phones, tablets and laptops allow employees to connect at any time. Research has shown that people, who are given flexibility at work experience less stress, are more satisfied with their job, more satisfied with their lives, and experience better work-life balance. All of this contributes to overall better health, mentally and physically. Employers must consider adopting this trend not only to increase job satisfaction among their employees but to contribute to an overall healthier and happier workforce.

2.  Virtual Workplace

“There are over 34 million people in the US alone who telecommute”. Employees have shed the clunky desktop and upgraded to tools that give them the freedom to work in their home office, Starbucks, or even the Go Train. Since the employer’s main focus is to make their employees as productive as possible, it is worth considering a virtual workplace. Studies have shown that employees are actually more productive when they are given freedom and flexibility as opposed to making sure they are sitting in their cubicle at 8:59am.With a virtual workplace, employees can chose an environment where they can be most productive and creative because a quiet, closed off office is not ideal for everyone.

 3.  The Rotating Workforce

Job hopping has become the new norm. 91% of millennial workers only anticipate spending 3 years or less at one company. However, it’s not just the millennials; most employees only keep a position for an average of 4.4 years! With all this shifting in labor, employers have to be extra creative in their retention strategies and focus heavily on employee engagement.

To learn more about how you can engage & retain your top employees, contact us. 


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