Predictive Success Nominated to Canada’s Top Growing Companies by The Globe and Mail

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

0.9 min read

Predictive Success Nominated to Canada’s Top Growing Companies by The Globe and Mail


Canada’s Top Growing Companies

On March 25, 2019, The Globe and Mail launched “Canada’s Top Growing Companies,” a competitive ranking of the best and fastest growing companies in Canada, based on three year revenue growth.

“Entrepreneurial companies are the big job creators and innovators of the Canadian economy,” says Derek DeCloet, Executive Editor of The Globe and Mail and Editor of Report on Business. “This new Report on Business program will highlight bold and ambitious companies in all industries across the country – companies that business leaders should be watching closely.”

Predictive Success was nominated to the list with a three-year revenue growth of 57%.

David Lahey, President and CEO of Predictive Success is honoured to have Predictive Success nominated, and is looking forward to continuing to innovate and work with North American businesses, helping them to align their business and people strategy.

The complete list and rankings will be out later this year.


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