Digital Leadership: Next Step for Organizations
By Admin |
2.1 min read
Addressing the Leadership Gap
Leadership continues to be one of the most pressing and difficult challenges of organizations today. With the ever-increasing acceleration of technology, the leadership gap is becoming more prevalent. The main issue that has caused leadership development to become increasingly difficult is that organizations now must focus on developing a different kind of leader that can grow and adapt to the changing work environment. Leadership has become more of a team effort compared to the classic hierarchical models that populated businesses for generations. Leaders must be able to work together and complement each other to ensure that their respective human capital is being fully utilized.
Leveraging Millennials
This presents both an interesting problem, and opportunity for organizations today. Millennials continue to populate a higher percentage of the workforce with 44% currently in leadership positions1. This younger generation possess skills that are very useful for the new technologically advanced world, yet only 28% of Millennial employees, according to a recent Deloitte study, believe their skills are being fully utilized2. They expect to be given ample opportunity to progress and develop into their roles, and relish challenges. Clearly organizations and businesses are missing out on the chance to capitalize on the talent they have at their disposal. Technology will play a vital role in how the business world develops in the future, and deserves much of the focus that it has garnered in recent years. However, this can’t be at the expense of developing leaders that will spearhead the direction of your company, and implement strategies to utilize these technological advancements.
Millennials, and those who are familiar with recent technological advancements, need to be leveraged into creating a work environment that is more dynamic, and team-centered. They can effectively rely on their new scope of talent to create a culture that effectively utilizes this new brand of digital leadership.
Workforce analytics are a beneficial aid in the development of digital leadership across all differing sectors. Analytics allow leaders an in-depth view of their employees and team members, which allow them to leverage everyone’s strengths for the benefit of the team. The Predictive Index Behavioural Assessment, provided by certified partner Predictive Success, is the perfect tool to take your organization into the digital leadership revolution.
To find out more about the PI Behavioural Assessment, click here.
Source: Deloitte University Press, Deloitte Human Capital Trends: Rewriting the rules for the digital age, 2017
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