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    2.4 min read

    Succession Planning Across All Levels When you think of succession planning, what comes to mind? Do you imagine training high-potential employees to eventually become the CEO of your organization? This mindset is often the case for many organizations. What many key stakeholders within the hiring and succession planning process often forget is that succession planning […]

  • By Admin  |  

    2.1 min read

    Addressing the Leadership Gap Leadership continues to be one of the most pressing and difficult challenges of organizations today. With the ever-increasing acceleration of technology, the leadership gap is becoming more prevalent. The main issue that has caused leadership development to become increasingly difficult is that organizations now must focus on developing a different kind […]

  • By Admin  |  

    1.8 min read

    Hidden Gems: How to Uncover your High-Potential Performers Within an organization, there are employees who are waiting to have their potential ignited and invested in. These employees are known as high-potential performers and the current business environment is failing to develop these future leaders. According to the Harvard Business Review, only 13% of senior executives […]

  • By Admin  |  

    2.6 min read

    Don’t treat others how YOU would like to be treated; treat others how THEY would like to be treated Doing and telling are two very different things. This disparity is often observed in the sports world. Why couldn’t Wayne Gretzky, “The Great One”, lead the Phoenix Coyotes to a mediocre .500 winning percent? In the […]

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