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    1.7 min read

    A recent Gallup survey revealed that 51% of American employees are actively seeking a different job or are looking for viable job opportunities. This is due, primarily, to lack of employee engagement. The survey identified five key attributes that employees consider when contemplating leaving their current position and taking a job at a new organization. 1. Will they […]

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    1.7 min read

    Optimize your Human Capital Potential Today’s business environments are more complex than ever before, with unique challenges in both the hiring and retainment processes of human capital management. Organizations need better strategies and tools to ensure that they are attracting and retaining the top talents of every industry. Attracting Talent During the initial stages, firms […]

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    1.9 min read

    The Truth Behind Employee Retention The hallmark of a successful manager is someone who drives a culture of productivity and excellence. They are the reason that their employees want to show up and stay, resulting in low turnover. By association, a high retention rate can be observed as well. With the average North American company […]

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    2.5 min read

    Mentorship: A Two-Way Street In the workplace, mentor-mentee relationships are often noted as the most special and positive externalities of employment when executed genuinely. What outsiders may not expect is that a successful mentorship relationship is a two-way street: both the mentor and mentee find value from the relationship. According to the Harvard Business Review, […]

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    2.7 min read

    Defining Engagement for Precarious Work As young workers are eagerly waiting to ride the wave of disruption towards the future workforce, they need to first face (and survive) through the reality of the current one. According to the Harvard Business Review, more than 50 percent of their sample of young entry-level workers planned on leaving […]

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    1.9 min read

    Avoiding the Workplace’s Greatest Enemy Despite being a major area of concern for HR professionals and workplace leaders, engagement can lead to an employee’s greatest enemy: burnout. With employee engagement maintaining its position as one of the most controversial topics amongst business leaders and HR professionals, one can often overlook the difference between smart engagement […]

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    1.6 min read

    The Power of Development Whether someone is starting their career, or looking to advance along their current career-path, self-improvement has been commonly integrated into the workplace through development. Especially amongst A-players, many leaders are identifying as ‘lifelong learners’ who envision themselves as future industry thought leaders. In order for goals such as this one to […]

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    1.7 min read

    In recent hiring cycles, many employers have discovered that the values and practices of new talent has shifted. This has a great impact on an organization. Dominant cultures start to shift while sub-cultures have the possibility of emerging. Ultimately, when these changes are realized it is time for the organization to adjust. Why the Shift? […]

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    1.8 min read

    Although capability and expertise are undisputed characteristics of successful leaders, there are some traits that truly differentiate a good leader from a great one. According to Loran Nordgren, an associate professor of management and organizations at the Kellogg School: “a leader’s overall effectiveness is predicted more by warmth than competence” (Nordgren, 2017). To quantify this […]

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