Can Recruiting be as Simple as Online Dating?

By Admin  |  

2.4 min read

Can Recruiting be as Simple as Online Dating?

Finding the right employee can be as simple as swiping left and right on profiles to find the perfect match.

The Science

Dating apps such as Tinder allow you to swipe left or right based on the profile’s photos and descriptions. A 2017 study by Hergovich and Ortega shows that couples who meet online are more likely to enjoy a better love life, compared to conventional in-person dating. Similarly, the Predictive Index® Job Assessment™ as delivered by Predictive Success Corporation is a better method that is built on proven science, focusing on not just tasks and skills, but also behavioural traits and cognitive abilities to find the best fit for the job.

Job descriptions illustrate the tasks and skills required, but they tell us little about the kind of person who will succeed best in that job. Hiring managers trying to match real people to job descriptions find a huge disconnect, and often resort to their “gut instinct” instead. This “gut instinct” method results in companies paying the price down the road, as 46% of new hires fail within 18 months. With rich people data refined over 60 years by industrial and organizational psychologists, you can rest assured that PI enhances the hiring process.

Match Score

Everyone loves seeing a notification from Tinder saying, “you’ve matched.” You immediately want to open the app and see who you matched with, as it gives you that instant dopamine rush. Employers and Hiring Managers love using PI’s Match Score just as much. Match Score is a helpful organizing tool that ranks options, allowing you to focus on a smaller set of candidates when using the Predictive Index® for hiring. The score is determined by comparing a Job Target to a candidate’s behavioural and cognitive assessments results. Based on the results, the software generates a score on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the strongest match.

PI Makes Recruiting Easier and Smarter

Tinder makes dating easier: you don’t have to worry about rejection, as you’re meeting in public. This makes it easier to be yourself, allowing you and your match to get to know each other better. Using PI’s Behavioural Assessment™ and Cognitive Assessment™, you can confidently hand-pick the perfect candidate for the job out of the hundreds or thousands of applicants.

About Predictive Success

Predictive Success empowers leaders to optimize workforce performance through proven talent management methodologies, high-performing team-building technology, and collected employee or potential candidate data. To learn more about how you can work with our team, please contact us today.



Social Integration via Online Dating (Hergovich and Ortega, 2017)

If Your Relationship on Tinder It Could Last Forever (

Can Recruiting Be Like Online Dating (




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