Top 4 Strategies Companies Should Be Thinking About in 2021

By Jennifer Lahey  |  

3.6 min read

“COVID forced organizations to learn and adapt. For 2021, CEOs must build on those learnings – and ensure their teams are equipped for the work ahead.”

– Mike Zani, CEO at The Predictive Index

W hen the world suddenly shifted online into a remote environment in 2020, many middle managers lost clarity, understandably so. In 2021, a clear direction will be more important than ever before. An article from IDC (International Data Corporation), a premier global provider of market intelligence, explored what 2021 will have in store for businesses. According to their findings, these are the four things companies should be thinking about as they head into 2021:

  1. Cloud and security

At its most basic level, access to smooth data enables your team to do their jobs effectively and efficiently. To harness the value of data, companies need to have platforms that allow data to be shared, starting with workflow automation. There is no doubt that remote work will be here to stay come 2021 with companies embracing their new virtual set up, many are implementing remote work flexibility as part of their company policies. With a remote work environment, embracing the cloud will be key. According to IDC, the next digital revolution will be AI, machine learning, and IoT – which is expected to once again disrupt our understanding of the world of work upon its arrival.

  1. Rethinking the management of teams and people

With many companies restructuring their teams this year, there is an opportunity to better position your workforce and set yourself up for success in 2021. This year might have given many companies the chance to step back and ask themselves if they have the right people on their teams, in the right roles, well-positioned to make the right decisions. With remote work set to stick around, according to IDC, “the reality is that employee dissatisfaction is on the rise.” If not managed effectively, this can cause a major increase in costs for the company. In the Employee Engagement Survey delivered by Predictive Success, you can get ahead by learning how your employees are feeling about working at your company. Are they happy where they are? How can you help them get there?

How do you solve this problem and craft a team that works together like magic? One where everyone is clear and on the same page… Talent optimization is the answer. A powerful discipline that helps leaders put people in the right roles at the right time by relying on objective data. By leveraging these data points, leaders can build teams that are cohesive, trusting, and intentionally designed to lead your company to success in 2021. Learn how you can turn your team into a powerhouse in Predictive Success’ High-Performance Series Two-Day Workshop.

  1. Digital transformation 

When the pandemic hit this year, it highlighted that businesses across North America were ill-prepared to pivot into remote work. As we enter into 2021, with a COVID second wave and a rebuilding of economic foundations, companies need to reevaluate the way they handle disruption. Digital transformation should be considered a core corporate objective moving forward. This year, we saw a powerful civil rights movement shift into the forefront of the world. Corporate social responsibility will be top of mind for all consumers moving forward, if it wasn’t a priority for your company before 2020, it needs to be in 2021.

Elite business cultures thrive when all employees feel respected and appreciated. Creating an inclusive company and reducing unconscious biases increases retention, performance, and attracts a stronger and more diverse talent pool. Predictive Success offers a 1-day workshop that will teach you how to leverage objective analytics to uncover and overcome unconscious bias in your workplace.

  1. Be smart about technology and partners 

According to IDC, the most critical thing for businesses in 2021 will be partnering well, to leverage the kind of thinking and expertise needed to drive success for your business in the year to come. With strategic partnerships, companies can capitalize on current trends to be more prepared for whatever the future may hold.

Uncover how Predictive Success can help you build your dream team for 2021 and align your business strategy to your talent strategy. What challenge can we help you solve?


Mathis, G. (October 2020). Reimagining The Future of Work: Top Four Things Businesses Need to Consider in 2021. IDC. Retrieved from

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