Technology is Innovating the Hiring Process

By Ian Fratarcangeli  |  

3.1 min read

Resumes have served as the backbone in hiring for decades. By highlighting experiences and past achievements, they aid employers in evaluating if a candidate can fulfill the requirements needed in the role. A resume sought out by employers is one with high grades, a prestigious university degree, and a plethora of prior work experience. As a result, immense amounts of stress are put on applicants to avoid having a ‘bare’ resume that won’t attract the eyes of an employer. The candidates are taught to construct their resumes in a quick and coherent manner, which leaves important information about themselves on the chopping block.

The weight put on a resume in a candidate’s evaluation creates issues that go farther than stress. Resumes inherently contribute bias in an employer’s assessment. Candidates that could not afford to pay the tuition fees of a prestigious school or did not have the family connections to gain work experience right out of college are disadvantaged in the application process. In their search for the perfect resume, employers who push these less-attractive applications aside are losing opportunities to find a right fit for a position. They are also unable to predict that applicants with strong resumes will even be suitable with the company’s culture. In addition to experience and achievements, employers need a way to review a candidate’s personality and interaction with colleagues to determine if the candidate has a future with the company.

Through psychometric testing provided by The Predictive Index®, new technology is establishing a more innovative form of candidate evaluation. Employers are empowered to assess the behavioral drives and needs of a candidate through The Predictive Index Behavioral Assessment™ as well as the candidate’s ability to process information efficiently through The Predictive Index Cognitive Assessment™. Both assessments provide employers with an unbiased glimpse into the mind of the candidate accompanied with a multitude of psychometric analyzation and information.

The benefits of The Predictive Index in the hiring process come from its ability to predict a future employee’s success at a company. Studies show that the combination of both assessments yield a 58% predictability of on-the-job performance for a candidate. This predictability comes from the comparison of a candidates behavioral and cognitive assessment with a job benchmark. Through The Predictive Index Job Assessment™, employers can generate behavioral and cognitive standards for the position they intend to fill. The Predictive Index then provides a match score for a candidate in comparison to the job benchmark, enabling an employer to easily dictate which candidates fit the description they are searching for. The implementation of these assessments has also been proven to be non-biased, which allows employers to examine applications on an even playing field.


Employers focus too strongly on the traditional resume when there are many different components that decide whether a candidate is right for a position. Both The Predictive Index Cognitive and Behavioral Assessments serve as the missing piece to the puzzle of figuring out a candidate. All together, The Predictive Index assessments along with a candidate’s resume is a new way for an employer to gain the full insight into a candidate’s potential success at a company.

Predictive Success empowers leaders to optimize workforce performance through proven talent management methodologies, high-performing team building technology, and collected employee or potential candidate data. To learn more about how you can work with our team, please contact us today.



Resumes Are Messing Up Hiring (

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