Princess Margaret Cancer Center Announces Predictive Success Fellow
By Alyssa Shaver |
1.4 min read
Predictive Success Founder & CEO David Lahey is committed to supporting The Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto with their ongoing Throat Cancer Immunotherapy Research. Princess Margaret is now a world leader in Cancer Research and leads the way in immunotherapy for cancer globally. Dr. Lillian Siu led the team that saved David’s life after he was diagnosed. David has donated $150,000 to the leading hospital to support Dr. Lillian Siu’s research group.
David is delighted to share that Dr. Sofia Genta will be awarded with the fellowship support from Predictive Success. Sofia has been with Princess Margaret since July 2020 and she works in head and neck cancer, immunotherapy and her main project is to understand why some patients do not respond to immunotherapy or initially respond and then progress in time. Dr. Sofia Genta has been involved in Predictive Index learning sessions with Predictive Success Academy and we are excited to welcome her to the family.
About Predictive Success Foundation
Predictive Success will continue to support The Princess Margaret mission to train good doctors that can benefit cancer research. The Predictive Success Foundation has donated over $650,000 to charities across Canada. The PSC Foundation’s mission is to support communities we serve by aiding in health, research and education initiatives. Our belief in direct to source donations is key to our foundation of giving. We achieve our mission by supporting our local communities through charity fundraisers and volunteering, donating resources to non-profit charities and initiatives, and partnering with organizations that support initiatives focused on health, research and education.
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