Predictive Success to Attend OPTIMA Conference in Boston, Massachusetts

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

2 min read

The Talent Conference of The Year

The countdown is on for attendees of the first ever OPTIMA Conference, presented by the Predictive Index™. OPTIMA, which is taking place November 20 – 22, 2019, at the Sheraton Hotel in Boston, Massachusetts, has quickly become the talent event of 2020, a mix of education, top tier speakers, music, and networking.

Speakers for this year’s event include Billy, Beane, the Creator of Moneyball, Mel Robbins, Author of The 5-Second RuleHost and host of The Mel Robbins Show, as well as numerous other elite leaders from around the globe.

This year’s OPTIMA speaker list, presented by The Predictive Index™.

Why Attend?

The Predictive Index explains why this conference will be unlike any other in 2019:

As a business leader, it’s your job to make sure your company puts your talent into the optimal position to produce desired business results. The essence of talent optimization is aligning people strategy with business strategy—and that begins with taking an intentional and data-driven approach to getting the people part right. So how do you assemble world-class teams and manage employees in a way that pushes everyone to the top of their game? At OPTIMA, you’ll join the talent optimization community to roll up your sleeves and become proficient in strategies for designing, hiring, and inspiring high-performing teams, and capitalizing on your people data, to maximize productivity and crush the competition. We’re building out four different tracks to guide attendees toward the sessions and speakers best for their particular role or organization.

Members of the Predictive Success team from across Canada and the United States will be attending the jam-packed weekend to be a part of the new wave of Talent Optimization.

The Fun

The event will also feature a concert by Walk the Moon, the band behind the hit single, “Shut Up and Dance.”

Image result for walk the moon

Walk the Moon. Copyright The Shepherd Express.

Looking to attend?

Luckily, tickets are still on sale! Find them here.

For more on Talent Optimization.

Looking to learn more about Talent Optimization, and how connecting your business and people strategies can lead to drastically better business cultures, results, and teams? Visit, or find a direct consultant to help you optimize your team at

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