Learning for Managers with Predictive Analytics

By Admin  |  

2.6 min read

Why Do Managers Need to Learn?

Managers play a crucial role in ensuring a stable work environment. They are responsible for numerous and complex decisions to support their teams. Without the right manager, all else seems to fail; employees become unhappy and uncomfortable in the workplace, expectations are not met, and the workplace becomes toxic.

Managers account for an average of 22% of a company’s revenue. Poor management leads to poor performance from employees, causing frustration on the managers and even more pressure on the poorly managed employees. This illustrates that companies fail without the required leadership, organizational skills, and the desire to grow that is needed from managers.

What Do Managers Need to Learn?

A manager’s task may sound simple, but planning, organizing, directing, and controlling a team is incredibly challenging and complex, with vital decisions that need to be made. To have the ability to carefully analyze the team’s chemistry, culture, and environment, managers must master a unique set of skills.

Demonstrating empathy and communicating with the team should be a manager’s priority. Managers should set clear goals and expectations to bring out the best in their team and set them up for success. This allows the team to have a set standard in mind, giving them the ability to achieve those goals. Managers should also delegate tasks effectively by working with the team’s chemistry to ensure that high-quality work is being done efficiently. Building a diverse and inclusive environment is a crucial asset for any workplace. Inclusivity and diversity have been shown to increase productivity and creativity, reduce employee turnover, and results in greater profitability.

A serious and common managerial mistake is favoritism. Managers showing signs of favoritism in the workplace disrupt the team environment, as team members feel less appreciated and regarded. Showing signs of favoritism in a team is an unhealthy yet prevalent practice among many managers. Managers must learn to motivate, mentor, and care for each one of their team members equally.

Where Do Managers Learn?

Through the Predictive Success Academy (PSC Academy), managers can learn the importance of managing a team, hone the skills needed, and foster a more inclusive environment.

The workshops offered at Predictive Success allow managers to learn the root cause of a toxic environment and find the solution to restore a healthy and synergistic workplace. In 2021, 87% of our virtual training participants rated their overall experience in our training as 4/5 or 5/5. Predictive Success continues to train managers from the ground up, learning about their team’s workstyles, behaviors, and needs. Knowing how a team works and what they need allows managers to set the team up for success.

About Predictive Success

Predictive Success empowers leaders to optimize workforce performance through proven talent management methodologies, high-performing team-building technology, and collected employee or potential candidate data. To learn more about how you can work with our team, please contact us today.



Predictive Success Training

The Business Case For More Diversity (wsj.com)

Why learning for managers is a key organizational leverage point (bersinacademy.com)

What Makes a Good Manager (proofhub.com)



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