Employee Engagement = Employee Productivity

By Thomas MacIntosh  |  

2.3 min read

Not all leaders are bosses, and not all bosses are leaders. Leadership is an important trait at all levels but can be difficult to quantify.

We all love the feeling of being productive; that ability to step back after a long day and know that we put you accomplished something. Whether that feeling comes from closing a deal or putting away your laundry, at the end of the day that productivity glow results in a fulfilling sense of happiness. It’s also well documented that happiness leads us to our productive times, so we see happiness begets productivity which starts the cycle over again.


Knowing this, the challenge becomes kickstarting that cycle of growth, but how can employees get that shot of happiness and productivity?


One way in-the-know organizations begin this cycle of success is by looking to employee engagement, which has been shown to improve employee productivity by 22%. Through cultivating and promoting a culture of engagement organizations continually reap the rewards of a tuned-in workforce.


Here are four ways that improved employee engagement can result in higher productivity.

Engagement Provides a Roadmap

Engaged employees know how their work fits into the grand plan of their company. This awareness provides a guidepost that helps these employees stick to it when things get tough. Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing day in and day out helps keep employees on track and productive.

Engagement Promotes Performance

In every job there are some aspects that take more willpower to complete than others. When those not so favourable tasks come up, it becomes easier to persevere when you enjoy your job. Engaged employees enjoy being at work and are therefore more likely to turn out quality work even when it’s a task they aren’t as excited by.

Engagement Connects Teams

An engaged team is one that works together and where each member knows their role and how they help the team succeed. When the team is on the same page small victories become group victories. When victories are shared amongst the team, members are more likely to help one another continue achieving.

Engagement Continues Relationships

It’s simple, engaged employees stick around. Engaged organizations have a 65% lower turnover rate than their disengaged counterparts. Low retention is a productivity killer, the hiring process alone takes time away from HR Professionals and Managers while looking for a new candidate. Once candidates are hired, they need time to get up to speed. Combine those with an employee scouring job boards instead of working and productivity becomes a major problem. The connection between retention, engagement, and productivity is a self-fulfilling prophecy, and depending on your employee engagement level can either help you sink or float.


To learn more about improving your employee engagement click here.

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