Go into a Recession with Confidence – Hire the Right Team

By Admin  |  

2.3 min read

Businesses are facing the pressure of double-digit inflation and rising operational costs because of the developing recession. The last thing a company wants to cope with is experiencing unnecessary costs because of a mistake in hiring, which could lead to high staff turnover. With the workplace constantly changing, companies are now required to adapt to the new world of employment. The new world is frequently facing vacancies in jobs and employee retention is at an all-time low. The Predictive Index ® is a data-led method that helps HR teams make accurate decisions on the hiring process to secure the right individuals for the right role.

Companies are under pressure to retain staff and hold onto top talent. Instead of hiring off a feeling, HR recruiters are encouraged to explore holistic approaches that showcase the strengths and weaknesses of a candidate. The Behavioural Assessment provides an in-depth profile for candidates and showcases character traits that are right for a specific role. This allows recruiters to gain access to information that goes beyond the scope of a resume.

Train HR Teams to Make Data-Led Decisions

Working as an HR recruiter is difficult as it is, let alone during a period of economic uncertainty. The safest method to ensure a company is protected during the job market flux is hiring the right candidates from the start. With the Predictive Index ®, companies will have a better understanding of several factors including how their employees are motivated. This will allow leaders to run a more effective team and ultimately drive a culture that ensures retention.

If HR teams can get a handle on data-led recruitment, businesses will create a strong culture that will not only survive the developing recession but also flourish with a strong workforce. Getting the chance to assess an individual with holistic data, provides HR teams with an understanding of who will be the best fit for a role. The Predictive Index ® software further explains behavioural strengths and developments, through comprehensive assessment, companies can make strong decisions on forming teams and how individuals can develop once they are part of the team.

Closing Thoughts

With a recession looming it is important to incorporate business strategies that rear away from the normal approach and instead invest in a data-led method. Hiring an employee is an investment and during a financial collapse, it will be critical to have strong teams that can deliver the needs of the company.

About Predictive Success

Predictive Success empowers leaders to optimize workforce performance through proven talent management methodologies, high-performing team-building technology, and collected employee or potential candidate data. To learn more about how you can work with our team, please contact us today.

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