5 Emerging Trends Linking Technology and Human Resources

By Alyssa Shaver  |  

3.7 min read

Believe it or not, we are already one third of the way through 2022. As we settle into our new normal of remote and hybrid workplaces, the great resignation and employee-centric environments, this year has shown us some clear trends in human resources. For obvious reasons, we have had to completely re-shape the way we manage and develop people over the last few years. The single most important component of this reimagined people strategy? Technology. It is the common denominator among all trends we are seeing in HR this year and beyond.


Trend #1: Remote and Hybrid Work

It has become clear this year that hybrid work is here to stay. A 2021 report from World Economic Form found that over 75% of executives intend to implement a permanent hybrid or remote work plan in 2022. Employees and the companies they work for recognize the benefits of hybrid working and it is become a lever for companies to gain a competitive edge in the race to find and secure great talent.

Trend #2: Understanding Millennials and Generation Z

Generation Z and Millennial workers are well on their way to making up the majority of employees in the workforce. These generations require different management strategies than those who came before them. They are more likely to prioritize work-life balance, are more prone to job hopping, and value feedback and close relationships with management than their older counterparts. Many of these preferences can be simply achieved through modern technology such as Zoom, Slack, and other remote working solutions. HR must be tuned in to the needs of this new wave of employees who will soon overtake the corporate world.

Trend #3: Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence or AI is infiltrating our digital universe. Things like chatbots, personalized shopping recommendations and targeted advertising on our social media feeds remind us that AI is everywhere. What companies are now realizing, is that AI can help them in business. In recruitment, for example, utilizing AI powered software like The Predictive Index allows HR to skip over the lengthy process of collecting information, screening and ruminating on potential new hires. Once you have a model using the Job Assessment, it’s easy to watch the candidates filter in and use the software’s ranking system to determine who may be a good match. It’s even easier to generate a custom Interview Guide with the click of a button—one that offers unique questions developed to address behavioural misalignments between a candidate and a role.

Trend #4: Automation

Automation is not new to business. It is a daily requirement that impacts every industry and must be embraced in order for companies to keep up with the pace of work in the 21st century. With that said, it may be new to HR departments. It is estimated the average HR professional spends an average of 20 hours per month on tasks that could and should be automated. Do things like data entry and file organization ring a bell? Smart automation can free up time for HR professionals that is better spent focused on people.

Trend #5: Cybersecurity

Of course, with new technologies come cybersecurity risks. Digital Research platform UNLEASH reported an uptick in digital crime over the last year and a half. Most commonly, these risks materialize as phishing and malware. Much of the information HR departments deal with on a day-to-day basis is considered to be sensitive personal information, therefore they must be hypervigilant in working with IT teams to keep data safe.


Tech powers everything we do in business these days—from manufacturing and product development to sales, advertising, finance, and communication. Yet a recent UKG study reported 36% of HR professionals reported that outdated software continues to hold them back. In the same breath, over 50% of HR professionals reported that data and technology is essential to bringing the right people into their organization.

Human resources technology shouldn’t be a hurdle to jump in hiring and onboarding. Instead, it should be there to seamlessly support the process. The Predictive Index Talent Optimization Suite does just that with a four-part framework that allows companies across the world to hire the best talent, inspire employees, measure engagement, and design high performing teams. With a software platform that is intuitive and user-friendly, leveraging technology becomes effortless for HR Professionals.





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